September 23, 2008

What Story Do You Tell?

What’s your story? Not your title, bio, resume, or role. Your Story.
Stories have always explained the world around us. We’re familiar with story vehicles like books and movies, but the most powerful stories exist within us – the sometimes unspoken, unconscious stories that we tell ourselves. Or repeat to ourselves because we heard someone else say it first.

Ghostwriting: This internal dialogue shapes the path of our lives. It guides our decisions about work, play, relationships, politics and our outlook on life. It impacts everything from where we live and how we raise our children to food choices and favorite teams. In each moment, we ghostwrite our own futures through the power of story in our lives.

Life does not offer chances to live out alternative histories. But life does offer choices about how we will create new life stories. And you have to have a new story to be in before you can give up the old story. (David Krueger, M.D.)