In "The Wisdom of Yo Meow Ma", A Spiritual Guide from the ancient Chinese Philosopher Cat, author Joanna Sandsmark writes:
There are many kinds of procrastination, appearing to have different causes, but in the end it all boils down to fear. Whether you're a pleasure-seeking procrastinator, or a tension-filled
self-doubter, the only way to amend that behavior is to recognize what fear is driving it, and then by facing that fear to dispel it.
Do you feel inadequate to the task, and therefore don't try? Or do ou hold impossibly high standards for yourself, and because they are unattainable, you avoid trying to avoid the inevitable failure? Do you fear success After all, success could change many aspects of your life. Perhaps you think it's better to avoid a task that might bring success, so that you don't have to deal with a changed life.
It's possible that you fear losing control. If someone in authority demands that you do something, and you do whatever you can to avoid the task, you might be in a struggle for control.
Many of us also have an internalized parent to deal with. Without conscious awareness we either strive to please that parent or, just as likely, we do just the opposite in order to prove that we are in control, not them. PSYCH-K can identify and reprogram these old messages and beliefs which stand in our way.