January 27, 2010

Clearing Mind

After a full day, stories, words, and images from everything we have experienced continue to play in our heads for hours. Even as we lie in bed, our minds continue processing the input from our day. This can leave us feeling unsettled and harassed. It also makes it difficult to take in any new information or inspiration.

Like a cluttered house that needs to be cleared if it is to have room for movement and new life, our minds need clearing if they are to be open to new information, ideas, and inspiration.

Often the activities we choose to help us relax only add to the clutter. Watching television, seeing a movie, reading a book, or talking to a friend all involve taking in more information. In order to really clear our minds, we need a break from mental stimulation. Activities like meditation. yoga, dancing, or taking a long walk slow our mental activity enough that our minds begin to settle. Deep breathing is an even simpler way to draw attention away from our mental activities.

Setting aside time to clear our minds once a day becomes second nature over time. Our minds will begin to settle with less effort the more we practice. Ultimately, the practice of clearing our minds allows us to be increasingly more open so that we can perceive the world as the fresh offering it is, free of yesterday’s mental clutter.   (Based on the Daily OM)