February 21, 2010


Acknowledging your own perfection is the first step towards approving of yourself. Everything that you do is perfect at the time you are doing it. You see its imperfection when your perspective changes and that is merely a shift that precedes a corresponding change in your reality. 

Instead of staying stuck in disapproval, your next step is to change your thinking to what you want to see reflected in your reality. You will experience the disapproval of others from time to time; do not let it stop you on your path. Acknowledge their judgment and criticism as an expression of their fear and move on.

Consider whose approval you seek or is important to you. Are you willing to make changes to who you are and what you do to obtain their approval? Can you see their fear and feel compassion for them? Are you willing to move forward despite others' lack of approval? The only approval that you need in your life is your own and when you approve of yourself, you will have people in your life who approve of you. 
(Jennifer Hoffman)