June 2, 2010
Quieting Monkey Mind
Most of us get frustrated when things don't go the way we want. Maybe we have so much on our plate, we are exhausted just thinking about it.....and we are so stressed that we have a difficult time accomplishing any of those things.
This exercise comes from Esther Hicks, and it works every time. Called the "Placemat" because originally, the story goes, Esther wrote her list out on a paper placemat while having breakfast in a restaurant.
Turn a blank piece of paper horizontally and draw a line down the middle from top to bottom.
Mark the left column: "Everything I need and want to to today, being sure to include some fun things, as well.
Mark the right column: "Everything I want God (or the Universe) to do or to figure out for me.
The only difficult part about this is taking the time to make the list. :-)Go ahead....do it. You will be surprised.