July 19, 2008

Love of Self

The importance of learning to love ourselves is, I believe, the most overlooked aspect of our development. It is not the same as being self-centered!

Our lack of loving ourselves is demonstrated when we cannot graciously accept compliments, or never feeling satisfied with a job well done, always wanting to be and do better, and getting mad at ourselves for getting sick. When we are unkind to ourselves, we are sending the message that we are not good enough to our bodies, doing damage which will have to be addressed later.

I have come to see lack of loving one self....a disconnection from God, really....as a primary issue with clients, one which forms the foundation for all ensuing difficulties. This kind of love comes from the heart and is never ego based.


Not only is it possible to love ourselves and realize that we are imperfect, but it's possible to do this at the same time. Often part of loving ourselves is the realization that there is something about us that we need to work on. M. Scott Peck, M.D.

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Buddha

There is nothing that holds us back more from mental health, from health as a society, and from God than the sense we all have of our own unimportance, unloveliness, and undesirability.
M. Scott Peck, M.D.

Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. Louise Hay

Let us relearn how important we are, how beautiful we are, and how we are desired beyond our wildest imaginings. And let us, as best we can, go out into the world to teach others how important they are, how beautiful they are, and how they too are desired beyond their wildest imaginings. M. Scott Peck, M.D. (Further Along the Road Less Traveled)