November 11, 2008

Stepping Outside the Box

When you change routine behavior, you are forced to actually think about decisions rather than habitually choosing a default mode without consideration.

In having to actually process decisions actively, you exercise real choice and use decision-making abilities. This kind of awareness results in an extension to other choices such as what to eat, and what not to. Once you become aware of actively making choices, you can decide on making choices which are in your best interest.

“The box” most of us are in is the result of programming and conditioning. And it is self-created in adulthood. Recognizing yourself as the author, the creator of your story challenges an assumed model and leads to the deeper question, “How do I create something else instead?” And, “What will the ‘something else’ be?” Based on the writings of David Krueger, M.D.

As a PSYCH-K facilitator, I know that we really are not in control of all adult programming and action. Much of our difficulties are caused by our subconscious beliefs, and by virtue of these not being within our consciousness, we really cannot change them. This is why I chose to do Psychological Kineseology.....It's the key to unlocking and changing that which we cannot access no matter how hard we try.