December 28, 2008

Light at the End of the Tunnel

When our next best course of action seems unclear,
any dilemmas we face can appear insurmountable. Yet there is nothing we cannot overcome with time, persistence, focused thought, help from others, and faith.

Whatever the situation or problem, there is always a solution. And if you remember to look within even as you search around you for the "right" course of action, you will be able to center yourself, clear your mind, and see that nothing has to be impossible.

The first step in overcoming any obstacle is to believe that it CAN be overcome. Doing so will give you the strength and courage to move through any crisis. The second step is to make a resolution that you can prevail over any chaos. Don't discount ideas just because they may seem impractical or unrealistic, and don't keep searching for the "best" alternative. Often there is no "best" choice....there is only a choice to make so we can begin moving beyond whatever is obstructing our path.

You have within and around you the resources to find a solution to any problem. And remember that if a solution or choice you make doesn't work, you are always free to try another. Believe that you can get through anything, and you will always prevail.

(from the Daily OM)

I reach for an inspirational message purely randomly, and, amazingly enough, the messages are just what I need myself at the time. This one is no exception. I had an emergency with my sweet kitty over Christmas, and I was completely bereft until I remembered that I didn't have to make a perfect decision.....that if I kept him alive, I could decide otherwise later. Almost always, we have choices.