March 15, 2010

Happiness Is a Choice

Most of us believe that  people are happy because they were born with such a disposition or that they are happy because of the things they have.  Some people do seem to  have naturally cheerful dispositions, but things, beyond the basics, bring only short-lived happiness.  

The joy we feel about new jewelry, clothes, car, or dream house dissipates quickly.  Some of us get caught in continuous seeking not realizing that we mistake thrill of the new with happiness.  Happiness, just like love, is something you DO. The good news is that that the choice to be happy is entirely yours.  It is not dependent on things or on other people.

It is so simple that most people don't believe me. Here it is:

***Make being happy your goal.  

***Become conscious of your thoughts and your words. Ask your friends to point them out to you.  Yes, you may feel annoyed with them, but try to remember they are helping you reach your goal.

***Make an effort to change every unhappy thought and word to happy ones.

***Make your first thought in the morning and your last thought in the evening a 'thank you' for a specific blessing.

***Throughout the day, make it a point to be grateful for even the smallest miracles of life.

Write me when you have come this far and I will share with you the next step which I consider the icing on the cake!