July 28, 2008

Dispelling Illusions

Since Uri Geller first attained international prominence in the 1970's, millions of people have been fascinated by the idea of bending metal with their minds. There are dozens of other ways to apply this energy, but bending metal supplies the necessary drama that will help us move to the next level.

In other words, if you are able to do this then you will be extremely excited, and this excitement will serve you well as you apply this energy to demonstrations that are much more important. When you have successfully bent a spoon with your mind, you will realize that you are not bound by the common laws of the physical universe you have followed until now. You will realize that everything is a choice. You have chosen to follow these laws, and you can choose to transcend them. This is what the world often calls a Miracle Worker.

You have been asked to believe certain laws that make up your experience of the world. These laws define a box that you are asked to exist within. The walls of the box limit and define who you are or what you can become. "You" are what lives inside the box, while "You Are Not" what lives outside. Thus was the ego born, the concept of separation, and the whole thought system you have used to live and exist in the world. (from the Daily OM)