March 26, 2009

Finding Your Voice

Finding your voice is not optional if you want to live a rich, confident life. Think about it for a moment. What are you speaking with before you find your voice? What are you saying and what message are you delivering? Who are you being before you find your voice?

Your life might be full of clutter and you might feel like you're searching for something, drifting through with no real plan or agenda. You'll be living and working, but you'll also be dying a slow, safe death.

It's that voice that gives you the confidence to do things your way, follow what matters and relax into yourself. based on Steve Errey's The Confidence Guy

So how do you find your own voice? The first requirement is taking the time to be still long enough to tune into yourself.....that authentic part of you.....and to trust it. Regardless of what you may have been told by others, learn to listen to and trust that inner voice. The next step requires courage. Begin sharing your inner voice with others, slowly and carefully at first until your confidence grows. Keep in mind that we all share similarities, but we are not all exactly alike. It is not about being right or wrong.....It's about accepting and sharing our own authentic selves.