July 16, 2010

21 Ways to Stay in Peace

16. Asking for What You Want - Giving Yourself What You Want

Ask for what you want, even though it may feel bold or awkward. People don't know what you want until you ask them. The act of asking is a validation of the awareness that you deserve to have what you want. If others are unable or unwilling to accommodate your request, give it to yourself.

17. Awareness of You

Recognize that the one in front of you is you. Beyond all appearances
and personalities is the essence of goodness, which is you. Remembering your presence in all form will bring you immediately into the present moment, in awe of the fullness therein. The person before you will become an opportunity to know yourself. The heart overflows with love and gratitude, humbly saying, "Oh yes, this person or situation is here for me to learn about who I am."

18. Self Gratitude

For a simple twenty-four hours, stop looking outside yourself for validation. On the other side of that you become the experience of gratitude.

19. The Vanity Mirror

If you want to see who you are not, look in the mirror. Use the mirror once a day only. Who would you be without your mirror?

20. Beyond Justification

Begin to notice how often you explain or justify yourself, your words, actions, decisions, etc. Who are you trying to convince? And what is the story you are perpetuating? Become aware of your use of the word "because" or "but" when you speak. Stop your sentence immediately. Begin again. Justification is an attempt to manipulate the other person; decide to be still and know, and BE CAUSE.


The other day I found myself uncustomarily upset. I don't mean that I don't get upset any longer.....I just don't get VERY upset. I reached for Byron Katie's The Work, and did come to what felt like a magic turn-around. Fantastic, I thought!

Only a few hours later, I found myself back at the beginning. The Work didn't have staying power.....and, so it is. It has to be done over and over on each issue. Not only have we been practicing "our ways" a long time and need to learn new skills in order to change, but there's the unconscious programmed mind! I am newly excited about Psych-K! It is a faster, deeper method for effecting change.